Wear the crown
to rule them all
Wear the crown to rule them all
Savage Crown is a utility-enabled PFP project with immersive storytelling and interactive lore. Owning a Savage allows you to “train” granting loot drops the longer you stake them. The Savage Tower opens periodically allowing all Savages a chance to challenge the Savage King.
In a kingdom far far away…
At the center of the Kingdom lies the Savage Tower. Within the Savage Tower lives the Savage King. A top the Savage King’s head sits the Savage Crown.
The Savage Crown contains ultimate power and governance over all the Kingdom. Warriors from every land across the Kingdom make their journey to the Savage Tower to take on the challenge to become the next Savage King.
What lies within the tower is only known by those who have entered it and the lucky few who have lived to exit it. Standing for a millennia, no creature knows where the Savage Tower came from, it has always just been. A symbol of mystery living in the backdrop of every village across the Kingdom.
Creatures come from 5 different lands surrounding the Savage Tower. Each Savage has a unique combination of abilities, strengths, weapons and armor suited for taking on the Savage Tower.
Train your savage to level up, find loot and gain an advantage when challenging the Savage Tower. Work hard to become the next Savage King and the world’s treasures could be yours.
Locked for over 1000 years, no creature truly knows what goes on behind the Tower doors. Myths of immortality and unimaginable wealth for those who have conquered the tower have been passed down for generations, but the truth seems to have been locked away for good. Until one day, the giant Tower doors have suddenly opened and an invitation to anyone who dares to challenge the Savage Tower.